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About Us

We Heart Art

It’s as simple as that.

We love art and want to share it with you, to do everything we can and beyond to make sure that you find your piece. We want you to find something that will make you feel happy, make you think, inspire you…or will just make your room look so much cooler.

We Curate Art

We work with hundreds of leading artists to curate a deep selection for all styles of art — helping people across the globe find art they will love.

We Create Art

We are not an art factory. At Trend Clothing Shop, our work isn’t just “produced” like some soulless trinket.

We create.

It is born of passion in the flames of our Lewes facility, where quality, inspiration, and a bit of alchemy unite to give the world a beautiful piece of art and fill the gap between artist’s masterpiece and you.

We Live Art

Every hour, minute and second we find ourselves in an ecosystem run by art. For us it's never enough.

We Give Art

Art should be accessible to everyone.

Trend Clothing organizes and participates in events with schools every year — our little contribution to making this world a happier place.

You Heart Art

We're just getting started sharing great art that people love...but so far, so good...